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harrassment training


Subscribe to harrassment training 4 posts, 2 voices

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Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

I completely agree with you!

Male user kelsey0504 3 posts

i understand this…. yet, if nothing has changed in the content of the training, then to make the same people go to the same training every year is serves no more purpose than just that… there is so many more useful training that should be at least annual or bi-annually presented to us.. being in a small county jail, i would welcome more hand gun training/practice… even more so i’d welcome an annual defensive tactics refresher as well as more training on communicating with the i/m’s and similar such…

Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

For no reason other than to cover your employer’s butt. If someone sues your employer in addition to the alleged harrasser all your employer has to do is point to it’s training record and say “See, he was trained! It’s not our fault!” The “harasser” will then be hung out to dry to defend him or herself.

Male user kelsey0504 3 posts

hi. just wondering if all facilities have to participate in annual harassment training… if so, have you noticed whether or not there has been much changed in the training each year? i missed this years training and was called on the carpet for it. yet if it doesn’t seem to change much over the years, why do we who have already received the same course multiple times all have to participate annually instead of say bi-annually?

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