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Ohio DRC


Subscribe to Ohio DRC 41 posts, 12 voices

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Male user obuck34 1 post

Mudflap et. al – I’m an ODRC applicant with Corrections experience in Nevada. I was wondering how things are going economically (probably an easy answer) and in terms of morale in Ohio. Are layoffs happening quite often with new hires, and do you guys work 12 hour shifts? I really do not want to go through being the low man on the totem pole and having no seniority yet, but I have a lot of family in Ohio – plus I can’t imagine Ohio’s situation being any worse than Nevada’s. Thanks in advance.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

“The more things change the more they stay the same.”

Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

converging sucks mudflap…it takes away the overtime that some of us depend on…not to mention everything is next door so you don’t know if the favorites are getting what should be rightfully yours…

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Welcome, Striker. “Converging” sounds like a real cluster-screw. How’s it working out?

Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

DCI/MEPRC here…converged as of the first of the year..

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

I got my copy this past Friday and have looked through it, but haven’t taken time to really study it.

I expected some changes but thought they would be added to beef up the tobacco penalties because that’s what the brass had been focused on.

Besides, “Your vote counts” doesn’t mean as much as “Who’s counting your vote”.

Flag shakey 191 posts

Hey you guys read your new Employees code of conduct?. No more Oral Reprimands in it. They all start with written now plus the day fines and removals have jump up and good notch also. The kicker here, is that the top UNION personnel had to agree to it before it could be inplemented and we were not even ask for a oppinion as UNION members. Now thats showing the love. Don’t get me wrong, some should have to be smacked harder to stop the dumb shit they have been doing but don’t this go against the grain of the UNION’S fight, of saving the screw up he’s or her job?. At least they are keeping in line with what they have been doing in the last few years. (selling us out). Oh and I looked into fair share, don’t do no good they still get your money, you just don’t get to have a vote no more.

Sorry for any miss spellings here.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

We still have not had the previously mentioned positions cut yet. Not sure how they came up with the spots they did to cut. Sounds like they are continuing to put Security on the backburner to payroll. They are actually going to cut one of the Perimeter positions on 3rd shift leaving us with only one Perimeter officer on duty on the shift they always preach is the one an inmate will most likely try to escape on. Common sense seems to be taking a backseat on this one too.

No word on the recanvass talks. Seems too many people do not want it to happen. Which is fine with me. I don’t really mind either way.

As far as the institutional seniority talks you referred too. I for one wish we could go to straight state time, I would probably transfer out of this madhouse pretty quickly if they did. That’s the only thing keeping me here. I’ve been to numerous institutions across the state doing clear-outs for SRT, and none of them are like LORCI. This place is a zoo, and the animals are running it instead of the zookeepers. Wishful thinking would be for the tide to turn back in our favor as to how we run things around here, but the liberal BS just keeps coming down the line while we keep getting cut. We all know what it took for the tide to turn back the last time (Lucasville), and none of us want that to happen ever again. Hopefully we get some positive change before it comes to that again. Not sure how much longer we can keep our finger in the dam before it finally bursts.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Our on-again-off-again recanvass is off again. The union posted a notice saying there was too much of an outcry against it.

By the way…. a tip of the hat to Shakey for showing great wisdom. (They think I’m a loon for haveing 3rd shift with wen/thurs off so we came have a life together but thats why I’ve been married for 28 years instead of 2 or 3.)

Male user TheCambinator 4 posts

TCI here, we had a vote for a recanvass which failed by one vote supposedly (alot of people weren’t allowed to have their vote counted as they were on medical leave/military leave etc. and wouldn’t take a phone in vote nor a vote that was notarized and brought in by another employee) and now we are switching to the Pick a post, which is nice for those w/seniority but not so much for those that transferred and what not. plus they abolished 8 posts already from us. getting kinda deep

Flag shakey 191 posts

Our LOR informed me that we had to stop our recanvas until the pick-a-post committee could review and see if it violates our local agreement. I hate recanvases, my wife works with me and to try and get something with the same shift and good days is like a lottery for us, with me being at 26 and her at 169 on the roster. They think I’m a loon for haveing 3rd shift with wen/thurs off so we came have a life together but thats why I’ve been married for 28 years instead of 2 or 3.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Yeah, I’m still here. Just haven’t been on lately.

Phew! I was starting to wonder if you were phased out…….

We were supposed to know last week about our canvass but are still waiting for word. With so many DRC employees bumping back to a CO’s spot and our joint taking transfers over new hires a lot of us are losing seniority instead of gaining. The only thing we have going for us is institutional seniority, and there is talk about doing away with that.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

Yeah, I’m still here. Just haven’t been on lately. We here are losing positions too, mostly on our Special Duty shift. I’m sure a recanvass will follow as our union president is on that shift. Nothing has been set into motion that I know of yet though.

We are also preparing for a new Major. Our old one went to TCI, and we’re getting the one from TOCI. I haven’t heard any good words about him from TOCI staff, but time will tell. LORCI is a whole different world from parent institutions.

Flag shakey 191 posts

Just found out that the our recanvas was cancelled untill futher notice, was informed that central office needs to approve it or something like that who knows, well thats what some are say anyways. We do live on rumors here at RiCI. LOL

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

General rumor is we have a canvass coming up in the near future. Like most things involving our union I have no idea what’s going on until it’s a done deal. Our “leadership” tends to do what benefits them personally and not what benefits the rank and file. But to be fair we have had a lot of staff slide back to a CO spot after their jobs were eliminated, so a canvass, right or wrong, wouldn’t be out of the question.

By the way, I’ve not seen any posts by ComfortablyNumb lately. Are you out there, dude?

Flag shakey 191 posts

Whats going on in your neck of the woods, here at Ri.C.I. we lost 6 post and are about to recanvas on Sept 2. plus go into a relief postion change, we got a clue to a way it might run but no facts untill the recanvas. People are starting to get upset that they where not given the option to vote for a recanvas or even on the mystery relief system thats coming. It’s funny how we went though all this on the last recanvas that our Union president forced on us. Oh well, aim straight and just get to point B is my new motto here. Just checking to see if you guys and girls are fairing any better.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

Jake, I just remember reading the inside jokes about it on the OCSEA forums, I never new you had an actual company. I’m a BIG pepperhead. I’d be interested to know what your selling. Do you have a website or anything?

Flag shakey 191 posts

I have a Hot Sauce Company called SHAKEYJAKE’S. Sold Locally and thru mail orders. Kind of popular around here, have some stores and restruants carrying it.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

We will certainly be hit again.

What’s up with the hot sauce?

Ligtning C/O 5 posts

How many feel we are about to get hit again? With the Strickland now saying he will have to use the rainy day fund to balance this years budget, there will have to be more cuts in 2010. So much for change and hope. It is business as usual.

Flag shakey 191 posts

Nice Comfortably. It’s good to see that my product is known out side on the regular circles lol.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

3 to 4 times a week is too much for Shakey, from what I hear he’s too busy making his special hot sauce.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

I understand about checking this site every so often. Not a lot of activity here, but there are those occasional posts that hit a nerve! I check to see if there’s anything new three or four times a week.

Flag shakey 191 posts

Thanks, just get on every so often see whats new. Used to get on the Unions site when they had one but they, like the State like to keep the blinders on us all.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Hi, Shakey! Welcome to the site!

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