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Privitazation of some of Ohios' prisons


Subscribe to Privitazation of some of Ohios' prisons 38 posts, 14 voices

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Male user Afrobob 18 posts

@comfortably, it seems to be the opposite here in Idaho. I work for a private company but we have no control over which inmates we get or don’t get. IDOC sends us the ones they don’t want to deal with and then blames it on us when they beat each-other up.

As for the way my company works, I do have to say that they are completely profit driven. They only way to get them to pay attention to anything is to tell them it will cost them money. Recently I sent an e-mail to the warden with a couple suggestions to raise morale in my institution. I was told, “if you don’t like they way this place is run, there’s the door.” as well as “We pay you to do a job, isn’t that enough?” Incredible, really. Unfortunately, with the economy the way it is these private companies have a seemingly endless supply of staff so they couldn’t care less how we’re treated and how many people quit because of it.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

I’ve had some really crappy jobs in my life, but I’ve never seen morale as low as it is right now. I suspect the biggest issue is “not knowing what’s going to happen.”

Female user sissy 2 posts


Male user LocoCO 4 posts

Hard to tell the inmates from the staff half the time in a private prison. Like the old saying goes…………you get what you pay for.

Male user on your racks 4 posts

Sounds like Grafton and NCCI are gonna be private if not history…..hot off the grapevine!

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Mudflap I have heard that was one of the cost saving ideas they came up with. I also did hear that they would try it at 5-6 prisons to see if it helps and works RiCI was the only one I heard was supposed to try it I have not heard any other names

Thanks for getting me on the right page. Looks like it’s simply an idea the DRC is looking at and not etched in concrete yet. I’d welcome a 12 hour shift.

Does anyone reading this right now work a 12 hour shift?

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

I just talked to a union rep and the only info he got was from a e-mail he received and that it envovled 6 institutions and that RiCI was one of them and has not heard anything else since.

Yep, I went back through my e-mails and that’s where it was. Thanks, man. If I had not shown that to another CO who remembered seeing it, I would have thought I only imagined reading it.

Male user Sniper7310 14 posts

Mudflap I have heard that was one of the cost saving ideas they came up with. I also did hear that they would try it at 5-6 prisons to see if it helps and works RiCI was the only one I heard was supposed to try it I have not heard any other names

Male user Sniper7310 14 posts

Mudflap I have heard that was one of the cost saving ideas they came up with. I also did hear that they would try it at 5-6 prisons to see if it helps and works RiCI was the only one I heard was supposed to try it I have not heard any other names

Flag shakey 191 posts

I just talked to a union rep and the only info he got was from a e-mail he received and that it envovled 6 institutions and that RiCI was one of them and has not heard anything else since.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Shakey (or Comfortably or anyone), I’d read SOMEWHERE about the 12 hour shift thing but don’t have any clue where and can’t find anything on the internet. I thought it might have been in the news clips but don’t see it there. Can you provide a link?

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

COMFORTABLY NUMB! Glad to see you back.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

I’m still here. Just been busy for some time. Was told back in October by a pretty high up in management that there will be 2-5 closures coming with the budget, but that was before the residents of our fine state lost their minds and elected this new clown as Governor. Who knows now. SB5 is dangerous not only as far as collective bargaining goes, but read the bill. It starts out with language to begin the privatization of our prisons. It’s a reality if this thing goes through. What the Republican leaders who are pushing for this (most of who also have their hands on stock in private prisons) fail to mention to the public is while on the surface it may appear to look like they can save money by privatizing prisons, they do it now by hand-picking their inmates from our system. If the inmate becomes a problem child, they ship him back to us. If the inmate developes medical issues that may result in any substantial amount of money being spent on them, they ship them back to us. The state also pays a fee to them for each inmate and a penalty if the inmate has to be shipped back for behavioral issues. If I could hand pick “honor inmates” that weren’t going to ever get sick or be unruly, I could run a day-care too. Apples to Apples they can’t do it as chep as we do. But as the smoke and mirrors show keeps being put on by the GOP and it’s followers get their “news/facts” from Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, noone seems to want to point out silly things like facts, one being the republicans who own stock in private prisons have been itching for this for years. Being able to blame the economic crisis on public union employees may just be the scam they’ve been looking for…

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

That’s interesting, Shakey. I’ve not heard that. Approximately three years ago, the rank and file at my institution had requested the brass to look at and consider 12’s and we were told it would not work.

Flag shakey 191 posts

Been hearing about a new pilot program dealing with about six institutions going to a 12 hour shift type of system and RiCI is one of them (my spot).

O-boy does the crap never stop piling up.

Male user on your racks 4 posts

Got that from the grapevine, but have been seeing some odd buses in the area….

Male user on your racks 4 posts

Well it seems there is a mass exodus of problem children from BeCI to NCCI and sending old well behaved customers to BeCI in return….hmmmmWTF???

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Fair enough. I’ve been wound a bit tight myself lately.

Male user muskrat72 11 posts

You know what, nevermind.

I shouldnt have stated anything because it is based on rumor and speculation. I do not like rumor and speculation but have been getting wrapped up in this “new era” that we are going under.

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Yeah, Sniper, the Rumor Mill is running 24/7 down this way, too. It’s difficult to keep up. Most recent rumor (down this way) is what you already said… sections within ODRC might be privatized but not custody/security. With the current political climate, this is the best opportunity for the state to break the union and/or go private (or at least partially private).

I’m not sure what you’re saying, Muskrat, and haven’t heard of any prisons in ODRC cutting the their population anywhere close to half. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your post. Will you clarify that?

Male user muskrat72 11 posts

Sniper, check the numbers on Dayton and Hocking. They cut the population by half and are sending them your way eventually with a total of 900. Look at all the instiutions with populations under 1000 and see what the cost per inmate per day is. Whats that tell you?

Male user Sniper7310 14 posts

Shakey, Mudflap,onyourracks, and all other Ohio DRC I would not be surprised in the least if they privatized at least half of us. We here so many rumors its not even funny. Not to mention being up in Toledo we are so far from everyone else it makes it hard to get the real information. We keep hearing about everything but security going private but we are right now switching our medical to State. Been around for 16 years now and besides the Orient and Lima closing this has been the most the rumor mill has been running in a long time.

Male user notcharmin 1 post

public safety is goverments job, not to be given to the lowest bidder

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

At least Mick has returned.

Flag shakey 191 posts

I think the spammers got to them, I think one day they will look at this site again and start to respone, at least I hope so

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