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If corrections had a slogan what would it be?


Subscribe to If corrections had a slogan what would it be? 138 posts, 95 voices

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Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Corrections once your in youll never want to get out.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Corrections, I’m fairly sure soap on a rope was an inmate idea.

Xray shank head bosshog 3 posts

Corrections… Take Your Coat Off, Stay Awhile

Xray shank head bosshog 3 posts

Corrections… Take Your Coat Off, Stay Awhile

Male user Hondo71 2 posts

Corrections: ALL BALLS NO GUNS

Female user BOPGIRL 2 posts

Give em what they got coming and nothing more!

Horn toad Transporter 41 posts

I hold in my hand 50000 volts of pistol gripped, laser guided “act right”. Now face the wall.

Horn toad Transporter 41 posts

This ain’t about reform or rehabilitation. It’s about PUNISHMENT moron!

Horn toad Transporter 41 posts

The only thing separating the bad guys from the good is air and opportunity. You couldn’t handle our beat.

Male user hatchetman 1 post

You tag ’em, we bag ’em

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Somebody farted, I smell state soap.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Corrections nothing works but gravity here.

Corrections if we don’t get it right you’ll be coming back.

Corrections is like Los Vegas. There are hookers on every corner. There is gambling everywhere. When the lights go down the party starts.

Corrections rules. That’s a direct order.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Corrections nothing works but gravity here.

Corrections if we don’t get it right you’ll be coming back.

Corrections is like Los Vegas. There are hookers on every corner. There is gambling everywhere. When the lights go down the party starts.

Corrections rules. That’s a direct order.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Corrections the next step up since you chose to be a high school dropout and not follow the rules…

Male user mac-10-loaded 1 post

corrections= spare the O.C.,spoil the inmate

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Corrections, Rasing your kids scince you chose not to.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Male user commander 277 posts

If you build it, they will come.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

There is always room at the jail..

Male user OfficerLouth 1 post

Corrections: You catch ‘em, We’ll clean ’em

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