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Just Hired


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Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Here were I work some should not even be able to spell let alone carry a weapon

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Here were I work some should not even be able to spell let alone carry a weapon

Female user Civilian 7 posts

Here in California, They can carry concealed while off duty. Most choose not to while not on the job. But they have that option.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

I believe New York corrections officers are allowed to carry off duty concealed. I seem to remember that from some source i had way back.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

When i was a deputy/jailer in Wa back in the late 80’s we carried duty sidearms. We transported inmates to Dr. appointments etc. Left them in Lockboxes before entering the jail. All jail staff were armed except inside the jail. CCW’s were issued to all jail deputies even though they didn’t have arrest powers.

Brett in control Brett.Ohnstad 7 posts

That is a good idea for a new thread. Correctional officers and use of personal self protection devices while off duty: should officers be allowed to carry off duty ahead of state C&C laws, what are your personal opinions and what does your facility and state allow.

Anyone care to start this or a simular thread?

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

They don’t generally get ntheir .22lr at Cabella’s. Usually at the local whatevermart,home breakin and pawn shops. :-) Yes we the gun owners are the ones demonized and blamed for everything from mass murderers to malaria. I recently saw an article where a state allowed Correctional officers to have firearms in a lockbox in their vehicles in the parking lot of their facilities. I know several states that have passed laws to allow this superceding Facility regulations. Makes sense to me. Back in the 90’s a Director of Corrections in Oregon, (I had left that system a couple of years earlier) was murdered in the parking lot of the headquartes of the State Dept. of Corrections (Salem,OR) by a former inmate of New Mexico ( remember the NM prison riot of the early 80"s). The Oregon Director I believe was the Attn General of NM at the time of the riot, something similar to that.

Yes, certainly by capita I believe you are correct on number of injuries on Black Friday!

Brett in control Brett.Ohnstad 7 posts

Interesting observation Squeeze! The atmosphere and amity of the patronage at Cabella’s is totally contrary to what the Anti-Gun nut-jobs would have everyone believe. It wouldn’t surprise me if statistically more people are hurt on Black Friday at Wallymarts than by guns in the hands of law abiding citizens during the rest of the year. But being in our profession of corrections should it surprise us? Statistically I would bet that a higher percentage of our “residents” shop at “the low price leader” than at the “outdoor store”

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

15 honey do’s completed, found time to fish on a farmers pond. Fishing for carp with 230 grain lead weights is more fun than bait and tackle. A little messy but we don’t eat the heads anyway.Waited in line for 3 hours Sat 5am to get 1 box( of 1000) .22lr at Cabella’s. Interesting observation. 95% men in line. Joking, fishing storiues, hunting lies and advice on everything from reloading to what lure to use. A real sense of camaraderie. 540 people in line for 150 boxes of .22 . Sinngle file line into store, pick up box, go check out. Flashback to Black Friday. 5 am anywheremart, 500 + people waiting, mostly women, everyone jostling for position in line. No body laughing, telling cooking stories, kid stories etc… doors open= mass hysteria, bodies getting run over, free fo all. ??

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Glad to hear she doing fine, as for the hunting and fishing, I keep looking at my boat and gun safe waiting for Spring to come so I can try out some new ideas and use my new shooting bench. have luck with the 15 honey do’s.:)

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

I’m working on that, i currently have a co-ed softball team :-) Wife is fine, Know how I can tell? She made a kist of 15 things for me to do on my days off and none of them included hunting or fishing!! Drats!!

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Sorry to hear about your wife, hope it all goes well and she gets back in the game. As for retirement, WOW with all those kids I’d problaby stay at the job to get some peace of mine lol. looks as if you might have a baseball team here soon.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

If you don’t mind the random rain storms then yes, Ohio is nice in the spring.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

23 days and counting. I was really considering the retirement, but my wife had an anuerysm in January and she hasn’t been back to work yet. I am making efforts to work into a school rsource position in my daughter’s school (parochial lutheran), I still have this sheepdog need to protect so I figure that would satisfy that need and I can have the summers off to stay at home with her. She’s ten and my oldest is 35, then 32,27,23,21,10. boy,girl,boy,girl,boy,girl. 3 grandchildren 9,4,1 and expecting 2 more in 7 months, currently all boys. I here Ohio is beautiful in the spring!!

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Hey Sqeeze, what you got now about 30 days left to go before happy land

Male user Markus2287 4 posts

Its going well so far. I’m trying to go state or feds currently.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

Remember, you only have to run faster than your partner, CO HoHo. I’d rather stand and fight: one I can’t run anymore, two I’m Irish, love too and don’t need a reason too! ( a genetic defect)!!

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

I also got a nice pair of running shoes (Ohio we can wear them) I wear the boots in the mucky weather and the tennis shoes on the others. the plus side to tennis shoes is you can run like the dickens when crap hits the fan, and them remember your partner who’s been eating ho-ho’s and big mac’s all year and is to slow to keep up and you have to run back to get him.

Hey, come on now, don’t hate me because of the tennis shoe remark…, you can also get some good cross trainers if you like.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

I just bash them in the head with my griddle of justice!!
Que up the Waffle Man theme song
“Yeaaahhhh…… I cook them golden crispy, bad guys are history, Waffle Man!!!”

Wait, thats a different super hero movie all together….

We can do it OfficerNew 10 posts

Would love to hear how the new job is going. Please give an update.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Dont forget the sidekick.

Hands Brotherlove 2 posts

your gonna need fox titan jacket full gortex body armor with a retractible hood. danners series 3 combat boots, miniature knee and elbow pads(large ones limit your range of motion) gortex gloves, A good utility belt, cuff holder, mace holder and spray, night stick, tazer, grappling gun, and smoke bombs. The real expenses start when you purchase your jet and car and secret place to store all the work you do.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

All good advice from all! Irish your killing me LOL! My olfactory nerves died years ago!! Buy the best possible boots you can afford. Preferably with replaceble soles. Something with a goodyear or norweigian welt. The uppers will last 5 times more years than the soles and will fit better if made of leather. Insoles like DR. Scholls help tremendously. Newer molded soles basically are trowaways when worn out and the new pair will invariably cost more. I have a pair of black leather boots that have been resoled 5 times in the last 30 years, total cost to me has been $200. try buying 6 moulded sole boots for that. They still shine too! UNLESS the institution pays for them then get whatever they tell you too:-)

Brett in control Brett.Ohnstad 7 posts

With the possible exception of buying a good pair of boots and breaking them in before your first day on the job, I would hold out on buying any equipment before checking with the requirements of your specific facility.

Different facilities may have completely different ideas on what can and cannot be worn at the facility. Also your facility may supply items to you for liability or contractual reasons. For example you may be required to carry a pepper spray (Freeze +P, Mace, Etc) and your facility may have requirements that they provide you with an unexpired canister in order to prevent lawsuits. Your facility may also require that you carry breathing barriers, gloves, handcuffs, flashlights or any assortment of duty and post assignment related equipement. Again, you can not be sure of that until you are told directly by your facility.

Your new facility may also have a specific brand of equipment or outfitter that they contract with that they will require or recommend that you use. This would be particularly so if your new facility uses a voucher system in order to pay for clothing or equipment. Whatever you do save your receipts, even for underwear and socks as those are part of your uniform, and may be tax deductable or used as proof of purchase for your facility if you are reimbursed for equipment and clothing purchased for duty.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

I almost forgot, a tube of Vicks is a good friend to have. Put a dab under your nose if the “smells” of the institution start getting to you.

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